Bring Your Brand To Life with Facebook Canvas Ads

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It’s widely known that our time spent on mobile devices is rapidly increasing and as a result we are becoming more loyal to brands through mobile and social media content. How can brands tap into this growing market and engage with potential customers without simply bombarding them with regular mobile ads?

Whilst sponsored ads within news feeds are better than most (as they’re targeted through search history or pages they’ve liked) they still seem like spam and unappealing. This is where the Facebook Canvas advert comes in; as a more engaging, user-friendly format than the average sponsored ad that feels at home alongside daily content without seeming disruptive.

So what is a Facebook Canvas advert?

Facebook describes Canvas as, “a new post-click, full-screen, immersive mobile ad experience on Facebook that loads nearly instantaneously.” 

Canvas expands on carousel ads, using a format that resembles an online brochure with interactive content and a clear call to action. Canvas adverts allow a brand to tell its story, increase brand awareness and promote their products or services in a more engaging fashion. According to Facebook, users spend, on average 31 seconds in a Canvas ad. 

Check out these examples of Facebook Canvas ads produced by In The White Room for two of our clients, ROM and Lundhs UK. The ROM Canvas shown below targeted men aged between 28-60 who are home owners and have previously shown an interest in luxury brands. The campaign had a reach of 50,447 and resulted in 861 quality clicks to the ROM UK website

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Why we love Facebook Canvas adverts

Load time – One of Canvas’ main plus points is its load time, they load 10 times faster than the average mobile site. As there’s a clear link between website speed and sales, the faster your ad loads, the more likely you’ll be able to keep that user engaged.

User engagement – There is a huge array of tools to create unique and engaging adverts. These include full screen and in-line autoplay videos, high quality images and clever carousel layouts. A particular favourite feature of ours is the ‘Tilt to Pan’ panoramic image feature, unique to mobile devices which allows large image areas to be displayed. 

High-quality content – Canvas ads have the potential to feature higher quality content than normal banner or pop-up ads, as they tell the story of a product or service by utilising branding, creative photos or videos without the user necessarily visiting your website.

Call to action (CTA) – If the advert campaign is performance or clicks-to-website driven, there is a strong opportunity to point the user in the direction of your website. At the end of the day, if your brand has a sale or a promotion on you want to compel users to visit your website and Canvas’ have a great ability to drive click-throughs.

In conclusion…

Canvas ads are great for brands to use as an alternative tool to the traditional ad formats, as well as providing more thoughtful, creative, storytelling content. And while users still may not love ads; as long as your Canvas is compelling users will watch it, afterall Facebook boasts that the highest performing Canvas ads have an impressive 70-second view time per user.

Here at In The White Room, we have the expertise to create effective advertising and marketing campaigns to target the right people with the right objective to make your brand stand out. We will carry out your desired campaign goals using and promoting engaging, bold and specially created content and Facebook Canvas’ are a great way to do this.

See more of our work here –

If you’re looking for help with your brand’s online marketing and social media, please get in touch. You can call us for a chat on 01892 511867, send an email or visit our main website to submit an enquiry form.

Published by June 20, 2017 3:02 pm


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